IPCHS. Integrated People-Centred Health Services


Contents tagged: health system governance

Feb. 10, 2016 Africa Publication

Action learning for health system governance: the reward and challenge of co-production

Health policy and systems research (HPSR) is centrally concerned with people, their relationships and the actions and practices they can implement towards better health systems. These concerns suggest that HPS researchers must work in direct engagement with the practitioners and practice central to the inquiry, acknowledging their tacit knowledge and drawing it into generating new insights into health system functioning. Social science perspectives are of particular importance in this field because health policies and health systems are themselves social and political constructs. However, how can social science methodologies such as action research and narrative and appreciative enquiry enable such research, and how can methodologies from different disciplines be woven together to construct and make meaning of evidence for 'this' field? This article seeks to present 'methodological musings' on these points, to prompt wider discussion on the practice of HPSR. It draws on one long-term collaborative action learning research project being ...

March 18, 2016 Americas, Global Publication

Achieving Effective Universal Health Coverage And Diagonal Approaches To Care For Chronic Illnesses

Health systems in low- and middle-income countries were designed to provide episodic care for acute conditions. However, the burden of disease has shifted to be overwhelmingly dominated by chronic conditions and illnesses that require health systems to function in an integrated manner across a spectrum of disease stages from prevention to palliation. Low- and middle-income countries are also aiming to ensure health care access for all through universal health coverage. This article proposes a framework of effective universal health coverage intended to meet the challenge of chronic illnesses. It outlines strategies to strengthen health systems through a “diagonal approach.” We argue that the core challenge to health systems is chronicity of illness that requires ongoing and long-term health care. The example of breast cancer within the broader context of health system reform in Mexico is presented to illustrate effective universal health coverage along the chronic disease continuum and across health ...

May 19, 2022 Global Toolkit

Universal Health Coverage Partnership

The UHC Partnership helps deliver WHO’s support and technical expertise in advancing universal health coverage through a primary health care approach in 115 countries, representing a population of at least 3 billion people.

The UHC Partnership is one of WHO’s largest platforms for international cooperation on universal health coverage (UHC) and primary health care (PHC). It comprises a broad mix of health experts working hand in hand to promote UHC and PHC by fostering policy dialogue on strategic planning and health systems governance, developing health financing strategies and supporting their implementation, and enabling effective development cooperation in countries.

Our aim is to strengthen country capacities and reinforce the leadership of the Ministry of Health in building resilient and effective health systems in a sustainable manner. We bridge the gap between global commitments and country implementation on the ground.

Since its inception in 2011, the UHC Partnership has expanded ...